Monday, July 24, 2017

Blog Stage 4

  On July 18th, the opinions page on The New York Times posted an editorial called The Trumpcare Bonfire. This article argues how Trump and Republican lawmakers are making healthcare companies created by the ACA (and more importantly, citizens) suffer in their effort to get rid of the Affordable Care Act.
Image result for donald trump  "So far, Mr. Trump is viewing healthcare policy through the same narrow lens he uses for everything: his political standing." I agree with this completely. He has shown that he cannot accept anything done by anyone who does not support or agree with him. Instead of looking at what's best for the people, he thinks about what he can do to promote himself and his party. He recently said that Republicans should let Obamacare fail just so that they could have a chance at replacing it. Wow. Really? President for all, or president for people who support him? This shows how incredibly arrogant he is. He is willing to let millions go without healthcare just so he can have his own "name-brand healthcare". 
  The article then shows the effects of their efforts. "Nearly 40 counties in Indiana, Nevada, and Ohio are at risk of having no insurers participating in the marketplace next year". That's absurd.  Everyone should have easy access to affordable healthcare. We are all equal humans in this country, and all have rights. Our political views should not change this. 
  This article is an awesome read because it does an incredible job of incorporating opinions and backing them up with facts. This would be a good article for anyone who wants to see and learn about what's currently going on with the state of our healthcare.

Until next time.

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Blog Stage 8

   On August 3, 2017, Kelly La posted an article titled " Nothing Trumps Obamacare ," where she argued that the government should...